From our return to Seattle Saturday afternoon till our departure Monday the 22nd, we played the role of tourists, eating out and going to places like the Aquarium and the Science Fiction Museum. We left for Vancouver fairly early Monday morning, and had only a moderate wait at the border. Got into Vancouver around 2:00, and checked into a fantastic traditional hotel called the Sylvia, where Rustum Choksi had reserved a room for us. He’s a former Brown mathematician now teaching at Simon Fraser. It was not just a room he got us, actually, but a corner room on the top floor.
These two pictures I took from windows facing in different directions.
As you can see, the Sylvia is right on the shore; the view is out to the bay—I guess
that’s the Strait of Georgia—between the mainland where we were and Vancouver Island.
So not particularly picturesque as a sample of salt water, but rather a view filled with
freighters on their way in and out. The hotel is right near Stanley Park, so we had a nice
walk there before going out to dinner with Rustum and his partner. I took a holiday from
photography for the duration of the walk, though, so I have no pictures from Stanley Park.
Left thumbnail: large image, small;
right: large image, small.
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