King Family Photos

Carousel #14
slides 1 - 39

Dad's (Howard Jr.'s) commentary on the slides ended with carousel #8. The captions below each slide are mine — Mark.

Chris sports some unusual headgear in the living room at Pine Point, ME.

Dad on the trail.

Mom on the trail.

Fuzzy close-up of Dad.

Dad again.

Celebrating Donaldson Creek School.

The buffet.

The historical marker waiting to be revealed.

The crowd, including a lot of alumni of the school, spills out into the road.

The ceremony - Olen in the gray suit.

The unveiling.

The pie auction.

Posing for the alumni picture.


The Thomas clan graduates of Donaldson Creek School - Herschel, Eunice, Ruth, Mom, Olen (behind Mom), Fred, and Lottie.

Mom visits the grave of Mammie Myrt and Granddaddy Taylor.

Michael Mason Moorman arrives in Blacksburg.

Cleaning up the back yard in San Marcos, CA.

Mowing the lawn.

A little fun to be had as well.