King Family Photos

Cindy's photos 1976 to 83
slides 41 - 60

H.P. gets a lift from Grand Pa.

A family portrait on the front stoop of 404 Dunton Drive.

Flip the orientation to get H.P. into the picture.

Mom, me, and Dad.

Howie, H.P., and Debbie.

I guess we know where H.P.'s interest in headgear comes from.

I believe this is Raisin (if not it's his brother Blue).

Robert joins the family.

Robert in Grand Ma's lap.

Howie in the processional for the receipt of his R.N. pin.

Howie in the processional.

Howie in the processional.

Class photo.

Class photo.

Dad and Debbie at the picnic between the pinning ceremony and the graduation ceremony.

H.P. and Howie.

H.P., Howie, me, Debbie (from behind), and Dad.

Dad, Debbie, and Howie.

Howie receives his diploma from Wytheville CC.

Howie and friend.