

Tillie on the Polar-Tec blanket - a favorite basking spot (23 May).

Xena on the afghan - another favorite basking spot (23 May).

Tillie claims the afghan (25 July).

"There's a bug in here . . ."

Tillie on the mantle by Grandaddy Taylor's clock and a photo of Mamie Myrt as a young woman (30 July).

Mr. Lubin's delicates make an excellent bed (22 August).

Pippin and Merry - "If you're gonna bite my tail, I'll bite yours!" (03 September)

Merry and Pippin - taking a break (03 September).

Merry peering into the great outside (05 September).

Pippin and my glass of Pinot noir perusing recipes in Cooking Light (05 September).

Tillie isn't sure she likes the idea of kittens in the house, while Merry and Pippin turn the trash can into a cat toy (06 September)

My favorite image of the hobbits as kittens, although the one to the right is a close second (26 September).

"What's going on down there?!?" (14 October, photo by Jonathan)