
2007 - 2009

One afternoon, while we were lounging on the deck, we heard a big "splash" from the pond. I looked over and saw Argo emerging from the water like a shot, and he bolted across the deck and driveway to the garage (2007).

At the garage, Argo furiously groomed himself while Jonathan and I laughed at the unexpected bath he took and his reaction (2007).

Argo found that the hayrack planters outside the kitchen window, made a convenient couch. He would frequently sit there when he wanted to come in (2008).

Xena basking in the sun at the corner of our bed (2008).

Argo and his friend Blackie, the feral Tom. Argo disappeared that June, going out one evening and never returning. The vacancy he left in our lives was surprising (2008).

Tillie joins the family - she came to us with the name "Batgirl" due to her large ears. We took that as inspiration, and derived her name from the bat species Vespertilio (2009).

There's nothing quite so trusting as the young when they sleep. Here Tillie is snoozing on the armrest of one of the barrel chairs in the living room (2009).

Tillie and the first of her leg casts. We think she broke her leg when dropping off the screen doors, which she would climb to the top (2009).

Tillie has a new cast, now blue instead of yellow, and now sports "the cone of shame" due to her Houdini-like ability to squirm out of the cast (2009).

Yet another cast, this time in purple. Tillie managed to break her leg in a second place while we were traveling to Ontario Canada visiting Jonathan's friend of longest standing, Kača. Corie, our house sitter, had to take her in to the vet so they could put another cast on her leg (2009).

An image of Xena (2009).

Xena will help come naptime - here with Jonathan (2009).