King Family Photos

Carousel #10
slides 101 - 120

Dad's (Howard Jr.'s) commentary on the slides ended with carousel #8. The captions below each slide are mine — Mark.

Chris and Debbie.

The mountains of New Hampshire.

More New Hampshire scenery.

At the foot of Mount Washington.

Dad, heading to the visitors center.

A stream.

The Mt. Washington cog railway, coming down the mountain.

Approaching the base of the mountain.

Scenery along the way up.

Changeable weather that the mountain is known for.

More views.


Late fall, early winter at the farm in Kentucky.

Dad relaxes in the living room of the small house before bed.

Looking back towards the other house.

A few trees hold their color late.

Mom and Dad with some of Mom's siblings go for a walk on the farm.

Dried leaves.

More color.

The tobacco barn slowly collapsing.