King Family Photos

Carousel #10
slides 1 - 20

Dad's (Howard Jr.'s) commentary on the slides ended with carousel #8. The captions below each slide are mine — Mark.

Reconstruction of the second floor of the little house in Kentucky.

Another view.

H.P. in the ornamental cherry tree in front of 404 Dunton Drive.

Grand Pa and Robert.

Grand Pa and the boys enjoy a treat on the patio.

This is good!


Robert gives H.P. a push in the swing.

Now it's Cindy's turn.

Robert with H.P.'s legs.

Christmas time again! (1984)

The boys check out the presents.

H.P. checks out a gift.

Waiting for Christmas Dinner to be served - Chris, Grand Pa, Cindy (back to camera), H.P., and Debbie.

Chris across the table.


Alright, I'm here, where's the food?

Playing a game.

Cindy. Mom has redecorated the living room (404 Dunton) again, using the …

… Chinese red that used to be in Howie's and my bedroom when we were kids.