House and Yard


Various photos of plants, flowers, birds, and other miscellania taken at 1177 Lincoln Avenue.

Snow cairns one block over from our house (20 January).

Minnesota snow lizards sunning themselves on the arbor in the back yard (10 February).

Fresh out of Fahrenheits (13 February).

A coworker cultivates heirloom tomato varieties and had some extra seedlings - Purple Brandy (2x), German Pink, Solar Flare, Russian Purple, and Lucid Gem (24 May).

The second planting of fescue around the fountain lasted even less time than the original, so the gardener put in sedums and catmint (13 June).

Wisteria in bloom (13 June).

The early summer sun filtering into the back yard through the foliage (14 June).

Blue jay drinking from fountain (16 June).

Robin drinking from fountain (16 June).

Clematis ‘Niobe’ by the garage (19 June).

Four waterlily blooms - repotted the lilies this year using fabric pots (20 June).

Another robin on the fountain (27 June).

I think this a Russian Purple (26 July).

Some of the marigolds I plant around the base of the tomato plants (26 July).

Purple Brandy — I think (26 July).

This plant gets infested with red aphids every summer — you can see a few on the stem where the leaves sprout from it (26 July).

I had rained the night before, so there were water droplets on the tiger lily blooms (26 July).

More damp tiger lily blooms (26 July).

The canna in the flower pots on the front porct produced a number of seed pods (05 September).

One of the flower pots on the front step — now planted for autumn (09 September).

The fires in the western US sent so much smoke in the air, it impacted our air quality and produced some vividly colored sunrises and sunsets. I asked Jonathan to take this snap as I had already left for work (23 September).

Sumac in the neighbor’s yard (10 October).

The new water lily pots required a different bucket for over-wintering in the basement (11 October).

All these tomatoes were green when we picked them before the first hard frost — the ripened on the kitchen counter (23 October).

The winter pots are installed — but this is not the first snowfall which came in October (23 December).

A white Christmas — the view out the kitchen window (24 December).