House and Yard


Various photos of plants, flowers, and birds taken at 1177 Lincoln Avenue).

An army of robins (Turdus migratorius) (05 January 2017).

An army of robins, the video (05 January 2017).

The mega-carrot we harvested last year - all 23 ounces of it - about to go into making latke (18 February 2017).

Blue flag irises, Iris versicolor, by the pond (10 June 2017).

The 'Attraction' water lily is a prolific bloomer, here with six blooms (10 June 2017).

Jonathan showing off the black-eyed susans from his flower bed (13 August 2017).

Water lily 'Attraction' (15 August 2017).

One of the two artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) plants - the real ones, not Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus) (15 August 2017).

Artichoke - I decided to let them bloom rather than havest them to see how the flower would look (27 August 2017).

I took this shot to show the free-range strawberries under the planting beds. The artichokes share the bed with marigolds, black-eyed susans, and Swiss chard (27 August 2017).

One artichoke in bloom, the other nears bloom (04 October 2017).

Both buds now in bloom (19 October 2017).

Jonathan took this shot and I tweaked it a bit as a possibility for the August Party invitation in 2018 (19 October 2017).

Onion harvest (04 November 2017).

Ishmael is joined by Gimli on the upper right and Soleil on the lower right (26 November 2017).

This year's haul of Jerusalem artichokes, a/k/a 'sunchokes' (27 November 2017).