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The first four seem to have been taken on the same day, in Watertown.
Michael and James examining something
very small.
Here, they work on a model airplane.
I think that here, Michael is holding
the airplane, getting ready to launch it,
while James prepares to take control. Beth seems to be in the very center
of the shot, back to the camera.
James, as neckless wonder.
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Christmas in Watertown, with the Mastropascuas, Luella and Bob Kellogg, the Lubins, the Sloans, Bella Rohlfs, and a guest in a wheelchair whom I don’t recognize.
James as engineer
Jane and Lani, also Virginia and Beth
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Now three shots of the dinner table.
This one shows Bella's back, and facing us
are Frank, Luella, and Al.
In this one, the guest in her wheel chair has
her back to us, and we see the back of Luella's head, Virginia, Michael,
Bella, and Bob
Here, Al, Virginia, Michael, Jane, and slices of
Bella and Bob
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